Dyslexia and Reading Out Loud: A Path to Better Reading Skills
June 17, 2024
There are many tools and programs that can help improve the reading skills of dyslexia, but one of the most effective techniques is reading aloud. Reading aloud can help improve the reading skills of all individuals, not just those with dyslexia. When combined with Forbrain, a specialized tool for reading aloud, the benefits of reading out loud increase.
The Benefits of Reading Out Loud
There are numerous benefits to reading out loud. Below are some of these benefits:
Builds Vocabulary
Whether individuals with dyslexia do the reading themselves or listen to someone else, reading various types of texts exposes them to more complex language and vocabulary they may not encounter in conversation. New words are learned in context, making them easier to learn and understand how they fit into sentences.
Improved Comprehension
When children read a wide variety of texts and stories aloud, they become familiar with writing conventions and the typical makeup of different types of texts, such as “once upon a time” in fairy tales. They begin to understand the lessons taught in stories and begin to make predictions.
Improved Pronunciation
Similar to practicing the pronunciation of a new language by speaking it aloud, when reading aloud, dyslexic individuals practice the pronunciation of words. Reading out loud helps in two ways: listening to yourself reading aloud helps you comprehend what you read, and it helps you speak and express yourself by learning the natural flow of language. As individuals read aloud, they identify which letters make which sounds.
Builds Confidence
Reading aloud helps children with dyslexia become more confident readers. When a student hears the improvement in their reading skills as they read aloud, they are more motivated to keep reading and in turn keep working on their reading skills. In addition, when a student learns how to pronounce words and sounds correctly, they are more confident in their reading abilities.
Creates Interest in Various Subjects
As children read aloud or are read to, they come to appreciate the value of reading. As they use their imagination and read about different topics, they develop interests in specific subjects or genres of literature. They realize that reading can be rewarding.
Aids Memory Retention
When reading silently in your head, you use the visual and linguistic components of memory. When reading aloud, you also add the auditory memory component, which includes your memory of sounds. Having access to various types of memory helps when recalling information later. Reading aloud also strengthens neural connections when the same information is read more than once.
Enhances Phonics and Phonological Awareness
Phonological awareness is the recognition and manipulation of the spoken parts of words, such as syllables or the beginning or ending sounds of words. Phonics connects those sounds to corresponding letters on a page. Reading aloud helps individuals with dyslexia understand that words contain smaller sounds that are blended together to form words. When reading out loud, dyslexic individuals combine the act of seeing the words with pronouncing the word, which helps them learn the sounds tied to each letter and word.
Forbrain and Its Role in Reading Out Loud
Forbrain is a brain training device that can improve reading skills. It is a headset that utilizes auditory stimulation. When worn by individuals with dyslexia, Forbrain utilizes the auditory feedback loop to improve comprehension, memory, and attention. Dyslexia, reading out loud, and Forbrain can work together and go hand in hand.
Verbal memory, phonological awareness, and verbal processing speed are often weak in those with dyslexia. With its bone conduction technology, children hear their own voices louder and clearer. This helps them remember letter-sound patterns in written words, thus improving verbal memory. Forbrain strengthens phonological awareness so that children can recognize the parts of words in order to read more fluently and accurately.
Subvocalization is a form of silent speech when an individual subconsciously translates printed words by sound. Forbrain helps with subvocalization which makes verbal processing faster and makes reading more fluid. By improving verbal memory, phonological awareness, and verbal processing speech, Forbrain helps enhance reading skills and makes the overall reading experience more successful.
Individuals with dyslexia often have low self-esteem. Forbrain can help combat this and aid these individuals in improving their overall performance in school and their learning potential. This helps with self-confidence and motivation, as tasks become more interesting and exciting.
Forbrain’s Success Stories
Forbrain lists numerous testimonials from individuals who have seen significant improvements since using Forbrain. Below are a couple of success stories:
Jacquelin, the mother of a girl struggling with reading, reported that her daughter used to read too fast without any breaks and with a monotone voice. They incorporated the Forbrain headset while reading aloud. Now Jacquelin’s daughter can hear how she sounds. This has improved her reading rhythm and fluency since wearing Forbrain has helped her to slow down while reading. Her reading comprehension has also improved.
Kelly’s sons had poor reading skills. They began to wear Forbrain while reading out loud. Her youngest son has been able to hear his pronunciation of each sound, which has helped during phonics and reading lessons. Her older son has become a much more confident reader and asks to read to his family often.
Practical Tips for Reading Out Loud with Dyslexia
As you can see, there are many benefits to combining dyslexia and reading out loud. Below are some tips to make the most of this strategy:
Choose Appropriate Reading Materials
In order to increase motivation and attention, choose books with topics or genres that the child is interested in. It is also important to choose books that are at the correct reading level: not too simple and not too challenging. Better yet, have the child select the book they want to read by offering choices.
Create a Supportive Reading Environment
Create a comfortable setting for reading where the child can practice without feeling self-conscious. Make this a fun place to be by adding blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, cozy lamps and lights, etc. Offer tools such as book lights, pens, pencils, and highlighters. Limit distractions so they can focus on their reading.
Encourage Consistent and Regular Practice
As it is when improving any skill, consistency is important for building reading skills over time. Encourage children to read aloud every day. You can mix up the content by offering short texts, stories, articles, magazines, and books.
Model and Encourage Expression
Demonstrate how to vary your volume, pitch, tone, and speed in order to convey various expressions and emotions when reading aloud. Encourage the child to do the same. Understanding and using expression when reading and speaking is an important component of reading that can also help students better understand what they read.
Combine Reading Out Loud with Other Dyslexia Interventions
There are many other reading interventions shown to improve the reading skills of individuals with dyslexia. Some of these interventions require individuals to work with trained professionals. Since it directly targets and practices the skill that is challenging for individuals with dyslexia, reading aloud should be practiced frequently. Depending on the type of intervention, the individual with dyslexia can incorporate reading out loud during their dyslexia treatment session or they can practice reading out loud in between intervention sessions.
Incorporate Supportive Tools
There are a variety of tools that help to support individuals with dyslexia. Forbrain, as mentioned above, is a tool that can support individuals as they read aloud. Speech-to-text and text-to-speech tools can provide additional support as students read. These tools can allow the student to hear the pronunciation of an unfamiliar word or see how a word is spelled.
Final Words
Reading aloud is one of the most important things individuals with dyslexia can do to help improve their reading skills. Combining dyslexia and reading out loud provides numerous benefits, including improved comprehension, vocabulary, and pronunciation, as well as building confidence and motivation to keep practicing. To further enhance the benefits of reading out loud, individuals can pair reading aloud with a Forbrain headset.
Parents of children with dyslexia, educators who teach students with dyslexia, and healthcare professionals who work with individuals with dyslexia should consider the tips shared in this article and utilize Forbrain in their work with these individuals. Reading out loud, dyslexia, and Forbrain make a great combination for improving reading skills.
Cassidy, Laura. (2024, January 14). Read Out Loud. Dyslexia Resource Center. https://www.dyslexia1n5.com/read-out-loud
Gold, Judith & Gibson, Akimi. (Accessed 2024, May 19). Reading Aloud to Build Comprehension. Reading Rockets. https://www.readingrockets.org/topics/about-reading/articles/reading-aloud-build-comprehension
Holt, Paul. (2023, October 4). The Power of Vocalization: 6 Ways Reading Aloud Improves Learning. E-Student.org. https://e-student.org/reading-aloud/
Jenkins, Joshua. (Accessed 2024, May 29). Ten Things to Help Your Struggling Reader. The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. https://dyslexia.yale.edu/resources/parents/what-parents-can-do/ten-things-to-help-your-struggling-reader/