30-day money back guarantee

Forbrain comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If for any reason you want to return the Forbrain headset then let us know within 30 calendar days after receiving the product, and we will give you a full refund. To initiate the return procedure, please fill the below 30-day money-back guarantee form.

2-Year limited warranty

Forbrain has a 2-Year limited warranty which covers normal use by the initial user or purchaser of the product. Sound for Life Ltd warrants to the initial purchaser or user that the Forbrain device will be free of defects in workmanship or material. If any failure to conform to this warranty becomes apparent during the life of the product, not including any damage caused by water, fire, excessive heat or cold, or tampering, mishandling, abuse or misuse, Sound for Life Ltd shall, upon prompt written notice and return of defective products or parts, correct such non-conformity by repair or replacement.

Submit my request for full-refund (30-day money-back guarantee):

Please fill in this form if you are dissatisfied with Forbrain and would like to return the headset and get refunded. This only applies for orders received less than 30 days ago.

Request to repair my Forbrain (2-year warranty):

Please fill in this form if your Forbrain headset stopped working unexpectedly and would like to return the headset and get issued a replacement.

Address to ship your fixed device to: