Benefits of Forbrain® backed by science.
Forbrain® has shown positive results in various areas, including auditory processing, reading, comprehension, attention, speech and communication.

Investigating the Effect of Forbrain Stimulation on Auditory Attention in Hyperactive Children (ADHD) Aged 6-11 Years
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: ADHD
University / Hospital: UEA, Psychology Department, Amin Police University
Journal of Publication, Date: Advances in Cognitive Sciences, 2024
The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Forbrain stimulation method for listening attention in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) aged 6–11.
The research method was quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design and a control group. The statistical population included all children aged 6 to 11 with ADHD who were referred to Tovanesh Treatment Center in 2022. Twenty people were selected using the convenience sampling method for each of the two groups to gather a sample of 40 individuals diagnosed with hyperactivity by a psychiatrist. These individuals were then randomly divided into two groups. One group participated in ten 20-minute Forbrain sessions, while the other group served as the control group.
The findings revealed that, after accounting for pre-test scores, the Forbrain stimulation group significantly outperformed the control group in post-test auditory attention scores. This indicates a notable difference in average auditory attention levels between the two groups during the post-test phase. Additionally, the Forbrain method proved effective for enhancing listening attention, as its impact remained significant even after controlling for pre-test scores.
The Forbrain stimulation method has proven effective in enhancing listening attention in children with ADHD. This technique shows promise for use in both educational and therapeutic settings. Further research is encouraged to compare its effectiveness with other available methods.”
Reference (Citation): Ghadamgahi Sani SN, Suri A. Investigating the effect of forbrain stimulation on auditory attention in hyperactive children aged 6-11 years. Advances in Cognitive Sciences. 2024;26(3):14–27.
Altered Auditory Feedback (Forbrain) in Teachers, A Preliminary Investigation
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Voice, Speech
University / Hospital: USA, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign.
Journal of Publication, Date: Journal Of Voice, 2024
Due to the elevated vocal risks of university professors and the possible relationship between auditory-motor integration and voice disorders, the current study was designed to explore the effects of altered auditory feedback via bone conduction on voice production measures in university professors.
A total of 43 hours of voice recordings across 32 university classes were collected from two vocally healthy college professors through voice dosimetry. During their classes, the professors experienced either real-time altered auditory feedback or a condition without altered auditory feedback. The voice dosimetry recordings from all classes were processed to calculate the sound pressure level values, fundamental frequency values, and the time dose. The effects of the altered auditory feedback conditions on these voice acoustic parameters were analyzed and compared with the conditions without altered auditory feedback.
The altered auditory feedback conditions resulted in significantly decreased sound pressure level values and time dose for both professors when compared to the conditions without altered auditory feedback. The altered auditory feedback effects were larger for the male professor compared with the female professor. Additionally, the male professor demonstrated significantly decreased fundamental frequency values when comparing the altered auditory feedback conditions to the conditions without altered auditory feedback, while the female professor did not.
This study provides evidence that altered auditory feedback provided via bone conduction through an altered auditory feedback device resulted in statistically significant improvements in the voices of two college professors.”
Reference (Citation): Nudelman CJ, Flaherty MM, Bottalico P. Altered Auditory Feedback in Teachers: A Preliminary Investigation. J Voice. 2024 Nov 3:S0892-1997(24)00359-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2024.10.015. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39496531.
Effects of EEG-Neurofeedback and Forbrain in Children with Down Syndrome
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Down Syndrome, ADHD, Voice, Attention
University / Hospital: UZB, Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Journal of Publication, Date: Romanian Jounal of Neuology, 2024
Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation and neurological complications. Children with DS often experience difficulties with attention, concentration, learning, memory, speech, language, behavior, and physical balance.
This study included 11 children with DS and 10 children with ADHD aged 6 to 10 who received treatment at the private clinic “Neyromed Servis” in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Cognitive functions were analyzed using Electroencephalography-neurofeedback (EEG-NFB) and Forbrain headsets. The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence and Schulte table were used to assess the effectiveness of non-drug treatment.
Using Forbrain headsets enhanced children’s attentiveness as listeners and improved the quality of their voice and speaking. Positive changes in EEG parameters were also registered: theta wave amplitude and theta-to-beta ratio in the frontal lobes decreased significantly.
EEG-NFB treatment significantly improved cognitive function, particularly attention, without side effects in observed children. Moreover, impulsiveness and hyperactivity decreased gradually. Additionally, after using the Forbrain method, vocabulary in children improved by 20-40% across all groups.”
Reference (Citation): Salikhova, Saodatkhon & Salikhova, Kamala. (2024). Effects of EEG-Neurofeedback in children with Down syndrome. Romanian Journal of Neurology. 23. 267-271. 10.37897/RJN.2024.3.6.
The Effect on Vocal Fatigue of Altered Auditory Feedback via Bone Conduction
Nature: Master Research Paper in Speech & Language Pathology
Topic: Speech, Voice
University / Hospital: Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Faculty of Arts, Psychology, and Theology, Åbo Akademi University, Finland.
Journal of Publication, Date: Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Faculty of Arts, Psychology, and Theology, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 2024
“Voice disorders are common communicational disorders, especially for people who use their voice occupationally. Various factors can affect vocal health. Previous research suggests that individuals with different voice-related issues often report experiencing vocal fatigue when asked to describe their vocal symptoms. Research has found that participants reported feeling more comfortable speaking with an auditory feedback device. This comfort may be linked to a reduction in vocal loading. In speech therapy, altered auditory feedback (AAF) has been used to improve speech fluency, reduce stuttering as well as help individuals with voice disorders to modify their vocal patterns.
The primary purpose of this study is to assess the influence of bone conduction devices, specifically Forbrain®, on vocal fatigue during a vocal loading task (VLT). Two types of AAF devices were compared: a standard Forbrain® with filtered auditory feedback and a modified Forbrain® with sidetone amplification. A control condition without any AAF devices was also included. Twenty participants were included in the study. During the VLTs, the participant’s speech was recorded while they read a short story in a loud voice. The VLTs included three conditions: AAF using a standard Forbrain® device, AAF sidetone amplification using a modified Forbrain® device, and a control condition without any device. Linear Mixed-Effects (LME) models fitted through restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and random effects were used to analyze the data. The outcomes of this study suggest improved control over vocal output by participants during VLTs when using a Forbrain® device compared to the control condition. The study also observed a decrease in self-perceived vocal fatigue when using any of the Forbrain® devices compared to control conditions. These results suggest a potential use of the Forbrain® devices in relieving voice symptoms and as a potential preventative measure against the development of voice issues such as vocal fatigue.”
Reference (Citation): Daniel Ubb, The Effect on Vocal Fatigue of Altered Auditory Feedback via Bone Conduction, 2024, Faculty of Arts, Psychology, and Theology, Åbo Akademi University, Finland.
Effect of Forbrain Cognitive Training Intervention Prescriptions Based on Risk Factors on Patients with Cognitive Impairment After Traumatic Brain Injury
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Brain Inujury, Cognitive Dysfunction
University / Hospital: CN, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, Hebei 063210, China.
Journal of Publication, Date: Rehabilitation Medicine, 2023
To observe the effect of Forbrain cognitive training intervention prescriptions based on risk factors on cognitive function and activities of daily living in patients with cognitive impairment after traumatic brain injury (TBI).
A total of 120 patients with cognitive impairment after TBI treated in Tangshan Workers’ Hospital from October 2021 to May 2022 were randomly divided into a control group, observation group 1, and observation group 2 according to Excel random function, with 40 cases in each group. During the intervention, 3, 1, and 1 cases dropped out respectively in the control group, observation group 1 and observation group 2, and 37, 39, and 39 cases were finally included in the three groups respectively. The control group received neurosurgical routine nursing care; the observation group 1 received Forbrain cognitive training (reading training was encouraged) in addition to the routine care; the observation group 2 received the Forbrain cognitive training intervention prescriptions based on the risk factors of cognitive dysfunction (insomnia, headache, depression, low social support, and upper limb motor dysfunction) in addition to the routine care. For all of the three groups, the interventions were provided for 20 minutes a time, twice a day, lasting for two weeks. Before and after the intervention, the Loeweistein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA)-Ⅱ was used to evaluate the patients’ cognitive function; Barthel Index (BI) was used to evaluate the activities of daily living ability of patients.
(1) Cognitive function: compared with that before treatment, the total score of LOTCA-Ⅱ in the observation group 1 and the observation group 2 were higher after intervention, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05); compared with the control group, the scores of praxis and attention in the observation group 1 after intervention were significantly higher, and the scores of visual perception, action application score, visual movement organization time score, operation of thinking score, concentration score and LOTCA-Ⅱ total scores in the observation group 2 after intervention were significantly higher, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Compared with the observation group 1, the visual and sensory scores and LOTCA-Ⅱ total scores of the observation group 2 after intervention were significantly higher, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). (2) Activities of daily living: compared with that before intervention, BI score in the observation group 1 and the observation group 2 were significantly higher after intervention, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Compared with the control group and the observation group 1, the BI score of the observation group 2 after intervention was significantly higher, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
The Forbrain cognitive training intervention prescriptions based on risk factors can improve the cognitive function and activities of daily living of TBI patients, which is recommended in clinical practice.“
Reference (Citation): Xueru ZHANG, Hongbin WANG, Huiying CUI, Xijun HAO, Changxiang CHEN, Effect of Forbrain Cognitive Training Intervention Prescriptions Based on Risk Factors on Patients with Cognitive Impairment After Traumatic Brain Injury, Rehabilitation Medicine , Volume 33, Issue 4: 310 – 316 (2023).
Reducing Vocal Fatigue with Bone Conduction Devices: Comparing Forbrain and Sidetone Amplification
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Voice, Speech
University / Hospital: USA, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign.
Journal of Publication, Date: Journal Of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, ASHA Wire, 2023
Altered auditory feedback research aims to identify methods to strengthen speakers’ awareness of their voicing behaviors, diminish their perception of vocal fatigue, and improve their voice production. This study aims to compare the effects of two bone conduction devices that provide altered auditory feedback.
Twenty participants (19–33 years old, age: M [SD] = 25.5 [3.85] years) participated in a vocal loading task using a standard Forbrain device that provides filtered auditory feedback via bone conduction and a modified Forbrain device that provides only sidetone amplification, and a control condition with no device was also included. They rated their vocal fatigue on a visual analog scale every 2 min during the vocal loading task. Additionally, pre- and postloading voice samples were analyzed for acoustic voice parameters.
Across all participants, the use of bone conduction–altered auditory feedback devices resulted in lower vocal fatigue when compared to the condition with no feedback. During the pre- and post-voice samples, the sound pressure level decreased significantly during feedback conditions. During feedback conditions, spectral mean and standard deviation significantly decreased, and spectral skew significantly increased.
The results promote bone conduction as a possible preventative tool that may reduce self-reported vocal fatigue and compensatory voice production for healthy individuals without voice disorders.”
Reference (Citation): Nudelman C, Udd D, Åhlander VL, Bottalico P. Reducing Vocal Fatigue With Bone Conduction Devices: Comparing Forbrain and Sidetone Amplification. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2023 Nov 9;66(11):4380-4397. doi: 10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00409. Epub 2023 Oct 16. PMID: 37844616.
The Effectiveness of the Auditory Technique (Forbrain) in the Development of Auditory Perception
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Learning, Attention, Auditory Processing, Discrimination
University / Hospital: MOA, – University of Al-Qadisiya and Al-Araqa Foundation for Culture and Development.
Journal of Publication, Date: Scientific Refereed Quarterly Journal published by Al-Araqa Foundation for Culture and Development, 2023
“The current research aimed to identify the effectiveness of the audio technique Forbrain in developing auditory perception, and to achieve this, the researcher chose the research sample of (14) male and female students who were tested by stratified random method from the fourth-grade students in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate. (4) males and (3) females in the experimental group and the same number in the control group, and parity was conducted according to chronological age, intelligence variable, previous achievement rate variable, and the level of auditory perception, and they were randomly distributed to the two groups, The researcher prepared an auditory perception test consisting of (30) items for five skills of auditory perception, discrimination, memory, comprehension, association, and auditory aggregation, and extracted psychometric properties for it from validity using apparent honesty and stability using Kewder Richardson equation -20 and the toxicity of the pre- and post-test in the auditory perception test, and the Forbrain technique was applied ) on the experimental group and the usual method on the control group. The search results showed the following: l. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the students of the experimental group and the control group in favor of the experimental group in the results of the post-test (auditory perception). The researcher came up with a set of recommendations and suggestions.”
Reference (Citation): The effectiveness of the auditory technique (forbrain) in the development of auditory perception. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mourid Arak, Amina Hadi Muhammad, ishraqat tanmawia 2023, Volume 8, Issue 35.
Implementation of the Forbrain method as a means of increasing the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with preschool children of special education
Nature: Conference Paper
Topic: Speech, Learning
University / Hospital: PL, Priority Scientific Developments In Pedagogy And Psychology.
Journal of Publication, Date: International scientific conference in Częstochowa, the Republic of Poland, Nov 2023
“In summary, Forbrain® offers a versatile, bone-conduction-based method that effectively supports speech and language interventions. Its unique feedback system accelerates improvements in articulation, attention, memory, and overall cognitive function when combined with established therapeutic practices.“
Reference (Citation): Sak, A. & Melnychuk, D.. (2023). Implementation of the Forbrain method as a means of increasing the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with preschool children of special education. 163-167. 10.30525/978-9934-26-366-8-39.
Innovative Forbrain Therapy for Cognitive Disorders in Patients with Chronic Cerebral Ischemia
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Cognitive Disorder, Chronic Cerebral Ischema
University / Hospital: CN, Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.
Journal of Publication, Date: Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery Research, 2022
“Chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI) is currently becoming the main socio-medical problem not only in clinical neurology, but also in society. Rehabilitation of this pathology and innovative methods for optimizing cognitive impairments are the main issue in the development of therapy in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia. The study included 30 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia who received basic therapy and sessions of the innovative method of correction of cognitive disorders – Forbrain. The comparison group consisted of 30 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia who received only basic therapy. The state of the cognitive sphere was studied using a short mental assessment test – Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). To assess the severity of psycho-emotional disorders, the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was used. Based on the results of a comparative study of the effectiveness of conducting sessions, Forbrain as a corrective therapy reduced the severity of cognitive impairments.”
Reference (Citation): Durdona Djurabaevna USMANOVA, Munis Dilshod qizi FAYZIEVA, Innovative Forbrain Therapy for Cognitive Disorders in Patients with Chronic Cerebral Ischemia, Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery Research, Vol 1, N°4, 2021.
Effects of training the audio-phonatory loop with the Forbrain headset on reading accuracy and speed, as well as on working memory and verbal short-term memory in dyslexic patients: A multiple case study
Nature: Master Research Paper in Speech & Language Pathology
Topic: Voice, Memory, Reading
University / Hospital: France, Unité de Formation et de Recherche de Médecine et des Techniques Médicales, Université de Nantes.
Journal of Publication, Date: France, Unité de Formation et de Recherche de Médecine et des Techniques Médicales, Université de Nantes, 2022
“Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder that causes difficulties in identifying written words and for which working memory is usually deficient. The audio-phonatory loop, an interesting tool in speech therapy, is used by the Forbrain headset in order to produce modified auditory feedback. This headset already seems to have improved patients’ reading and memory skills. We conducted a multiple-case study to test the effects of the Forbrain headset on the reading speed and accuracy as well as the working memory and the verbal short-term memory of dyslexic patients. An adapted protocol from Torabi et al. (2018) was made with two test subjects and two control subjects for 20 sessions of 30 minutes. Our results show an improvement in reading accuracy for the subjects who wore the Forbrain headset. Moreover, the adapted protocol seems to have increased the reading speed of all the subjects as well as their working memory skills. These encouraging results offer new possibilities for speech therapy treatment of written language disorders.”
Reference (Citation): Lucas, Sarah, Effects of training the audio-phonatory loop with the Forbrain headset on reading accuracy and speed, as well as on working memory and verbal short-term memory in dyslexic patients: A multiple case study, 2022, Nantes University, France.
Forbrain Improves Reading Speed and Comprehension – 8 School Students
Nature: Study – Free Paper
Topic: Reading, Learning
University / Hospital: Spain, Mediterranean de La Ampolla School.
Journal of Publication, Date: Spain, Mediterranean de La Ampolla School, 2020
“This study clearly shows Forbrain’s beneficial effect on the students. All the students have increased their academic performance, and their ability to process information has become more effective. Working on their phonological awareness, they have improved their oral expression, diction, and fluency, which has also had a positive effect on memory and attention.“
Reference (Citation): Mediterrani de La Ampolla School, Forbrain Improves Reading Speed and Comprehension – 8 School Students, 2020.
The Impact of Forbrain on Reading Processes
Nature: Master Research Paper in Speech & Language Pathology
Topic: Reading, Learning
University / Hospital: Spain, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja.
Journal of Publication, Date: Spain, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, 2019
“It has recently appeared on the market, Forbrain, a device that promises to improve the cognitive abilities related to the reading process. This study tries to investigate the basis of its operation and quantify the possible real improvements that may occur to the reading processes in children in the second year of Public Primary School in Malaga. It is carried out an experimental study with control group, pretest and post-test evaluation, and a constant work with the device for ten minutes and ten days. The evaluation will be carried out using the test PROLEC in its reduced version, that will provide significant data on the following variables: NL-P, NL-V, LS-P, LS-V, EG-P, EG-V, CT and CT-P. After analyzing the results obtained by the students, they all have achieved a significant improvement in all the subtests in comparison with the control group, leading to the conclusion that the use of Forbrain really improves cognitive skills involved in the reading process.“
Reference (Citation): Aguilar, B. (2015). Efectos del uso del Forbrain en los procesos lectores. Málaga:
Observation on Effects of Speech Auditory Feedback Training in Patients with Post Stroke Cognitive Impairment (PSCI)
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Stroke, Cognitive rehabilitation, Reading
University / Hospital: CN, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Zhengzhou Tenth People’ s Hospital.
Journal of Publication, Date: Journal of Rare and Uncommon Diseases, 2019
To study the clinical effects of speech auditory feedback training in patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) and its influence on levels of serum uric acid (UA) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and cognitive function.
64 cases of patients with PSCI were randomly divided into an observation group (basic treatment and routine rehabilitation training, speech auditory feedback training) and a control group (basic treatment and routine rehabilitation training). The treatment effects were compared between the two groups.
After treatment, the fields scores and total score of MoCA scale in the two groups were significantly increased (P<0.05), while the levels of serum UA and NSE in the two groups were significantly decreased (P<0.05), and the BI scores were significantly increased (P<0.05), and the changes were larger in the observation group (P<0.05).
Forbrain speech auditory feedback training in patients with PSCI can reduce serum UA and NSE levels, reduce nerve cell damage, improve cognitive function, and promote patient rehabilitation.“
Reference (Citation): PING Ming-liang. Observation on Effects of Speech Auditory Feedback Training in Patients with PSCI. Journal of Rare Diseases, 25 Volume, the 6 Issue, 2019.
The Potential Effect of Forbrain as an Auditory Feedback Device
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Voice, Speech, Attention
University / Hospital: Spain, Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.
Journal of Publication, Date: Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, ASHA Wire, 2018
The purpose of this study was to run a proof of concept on a new commercially available device, Forbrain® (Sound For Life Ltd/Soundev, Luxemburg, model UN38.3), to test whether it can modulate the speech of its users.
Participants were instructed to read aloud a text of their choice during 3 experimental phases: baseline, test, and posttest, while wearing a Forbrain® headset. Critically, for half of the participants (Forbrain group), the device was turned on during the test phase, whereas for the other half (control group), the device was kept off. Voice recordings were analyzed to derive 6 quantitative measures of voice quality over each of the phases of the experiment.
A significant Group × Phase interaction was obtained for the smoothed cepstral peak prominence, a measure of voice harmony, and for the trendline of the long-term average spectrum, a measure of voice robustness, this latter surviving Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.
The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of Forbrain® in modifying the speech of its users. It is suggested that Forbrain® works as an altered auditory feedback device. It may hence be used as a clinical device in speech therapy clinics, yet further studies are warranted to test its usefulness in clinical groups.”
Reference (Citation): Escera C, López-Caballero F, Gorina-Careta N. The Potential Effect of Forbrain as an Altered Auditory Feedback Device. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2018 Apr 17;61(4):801-810. doi: 10.1044/2017_JSLHR-S-17-0072. PMID: 29554188.
The Potential Use of Forbrain in Stuttering
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Stuttering
University / Hospital: Spain, Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.
Journal of Publication, Date: The UB Journal of Psychology, 2018
“We present a single-case study on the potential clinical relevance of a new altered auditory feedback (AAF) device (Forbrain®) in stuttering. One adult who stutter was tested in an appropriately-controlled single-case time-series (A-B-A) study. On each of six consecutive working days, the stuttering adult was instructed to read aloud during three different experimental phases: Baseline, Test and Post-test, while wearing a Forbrain® headset. During the Test phase, the device was turned on, whereas it was off during Baseline and Post-test phases. This way, the transient effects of Forbrain® could be analyzed. Six quantitative measures of voice quality were retrieved from the participant’s voice recordings during his readings over each phase of the experiment. Data was statistically analyzed through the single-case d-statistic. A clear transient effect of Forbrain®, when turned on, was observed on voice quality, supported by significant differences between Baseline and Test, and Test and Post-test in the tilt of the trendline of the long-term average spectrum (tLTAS) of the voice. The present single-case study support the effectiveness of Forbrain® in modifying the voice during stuttering, supporting its role as an AAF device.”
Reference (Citation): Carles Escera, Natàlia Gorina-Careta, Fran López-Caballero, The potential use of Forbrain® in stuttering: A single-case study, Anuario de Psicología, Volume 48, Issue 2, 2018.
Effect of Speech-Auditory Feedback (Forbrain) Training on Cognitive Dysfunctions in Stroke Patients
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Stroke, Cognitive rehabilitation, Reading, Speech
University / Hospital: CN, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063210, China.
Journal of Publication, Date: Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science, 2018
To observe the intervention effect of Forbrain speech auditory feedback training on cognitive dysfunction in patients with stroke.
120 patients with cognitive dysfunction after stroke were divided into experimental group 1(n=40), experimental group 2 (n=40) and control group(n=40). The control group accepted conventional rehabilitation, while the experimental group 1 received Forbrain speech auditory feedback training additionally, and the experimental group 2 received the non-standard Forbrain speech auditory feedback training additionally.All the cases were assessed with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA) before and 10 weeks after intervention.
After a 10-week intervention, the scores of structure skills (2.05±0.50), attention and concentration (2.15±0.36), memory (2.18±0.59) and the total score of MoCA (17.53±2.41) in experimental group 1 were higher than those in experimental group 2 (1.80±0.46,1.90±0.44,1.90±0.55,17.53±2.41) and control group (1.78±0.53), (1.85±0.36,1.70±0.56,17.18±2.37) (all P<0.05). The Scores of language in experimental group 1 (2.03±0.48) and experimental group 2 (1.85±0.53) were higher than those in the control group (1.70±0.46) (all P<0.05).
Forbrain speech auditory feedback training can improve cognitive function of patients with stroke.”
Reference (Citation): Jinju SUN; Changxiang CHEN; Min ZHANG; Na DOU; Shuxing LI; Dan LI. Effect of speech auditory feedback training on cognitive function in patients with post stroke, Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 524-528, 2017.
The effectiveness of the auditory technique (forbrain) in the development of Auditory Perception
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Reading, Auditory Processing
University / Hospital: IR, Department of psychology, Tehran Center Branch, Islamic Azad University.
Journal of Publication, Date: Journal of Garmian University, 2018
“The lack of success in acquiring reading skills during early school years can greatly hinder students’ performance in most other subjects. Research indicates that many children with reading and learning difficulties also have problems in auditory processing, suggesting that sound therapy may benefit those with reading challenges.
This study aimed to assess the effect of sound therapy on the reading skills of students with reading difficulties. It employed a quasi-experimental design with a pre- and post-test plus a control group. Twenty third-grade elementary students were selected using an available sampling method and randomly assigned to either an experimental or a control group. Data was collected using the Reading & Dyslexia Test (Karami Nori & Moradi, 1378). After the pre-test, the experimental group received 20 sessions of sound therapy, while the control group received no intervention. All participants then completed a post-test, and the results were analyzed using ANCOVA. The findings revealed a significant decrease in the experimental group’s mean reading-skill score (indicating improvement) compared with the control group, and this difference held across all subscales of reading skills except Rhyme and Reading non-words (p=0.07, 0.96). These results suggest that sound therapy can positively impact reading abilities in students with reading difficulties.“
Reference (Citation): Dr Zahra Torabi, Dr Mahnaz Estaki, Roya Kochak Entezar, Nastaran Sharifi, The effectiveness of the auditory technique (forbrain) in the development of Auditory Perception. Journal of Garmian University, 2018; 5(3): 454-464. doi: 10.24271/garmian.383.
The Effectiveness Cerebellar Training Method with Vibration (Forbrain) on Reading Skills and Auditory Discrimination for Students with Reading Difficulties
Nature: Peer-reviewed
Topic: Reading, Dyslexia
University / Hospital: IR, Azad University.
Journal of Publication, Date: Middle Eastern Journal of Disability Studies, 2018
Reading is a kind of mental-lingual process based on visual information, reader’s awareness, as well as phonological and semantic rules. This skill is the most fundamental learning tool for students, since reading, and comprehension are the basic requirements to acquire any written information. The lack of success in acquiring reading skills in early school years can genuinely prevent students from achievement in most other educational subjects. Research shows that most children with reading complications suffer from problems in motor coordination and auditory processing. Based on the above, the present study aims to answer the following question: is sound therapy with Forbrain able to help students with reading difficulties improve their reading performance and auditory discrimination?
This study was a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest with the control group. The sample group consisted of 20 students who were studying in elementary school (second and third grade). They were selected by available sampling method from the stated sample and assigned randomly to two experimental and control groups. In this Study, Data was collected by Reading – Dyslexia Test (Karami nori & Moradi 2008) and Wepman auditory discrimination test (WADT 1987). The criteria for entry into the study included: Not having dyslexia according to DSM-5, The lowest scores in the Reading & dyslexia test, not taking the drug (Ritalin), being In the age range of 7 to 9 years, and having a normal IQ in the Wechsler Intelligence Test. Exit criteria include: having other intermittent disorders such as ADHD, having unprofitable families (such as divorce, parenthood addiction, etc.), having Physical sensory problems. After pre-test the experimental group for 20 sessions trained by integrated cerebellar training method (1hour), and auditory correction method (30 minute with Forbrain headset), while the control group received no intervention. Then, the subjects of the two groups tested by post-test. Data was analyzed by SPSS22 in p=0.05.
As pretest scores were considered as a covariant variable, to determine its impact on the posttest, analysis of covariance used. To this end, the assumptions of variance homogeneity and the normal distribution of scores- as main covariance assumptions- were investigated. The results of the Levene test approved the homogeneity of the data (Auditory Discrimination: F=29.65, p<0.11; Reading Skills: F=1.66, p<0.33). The data analysis based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test shows the normal distribution of data in both groups. Since the prerequisites for covariance were observed, the data were analyzed using Analyze of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results of ANCOVA shows significant differences in mean of reading skills (p= 0.02), and auditory discrimination (p=0.001) in the experimental group decreased significantly. This difference also was significant for all subscales of reading skills (Chain words, Understanding words, Rhyme test, The concept of text, Read the words) except Reading non-words, Naming picture and Deleting sounds (p=0.44, 0.32, 0.06).
According to the previous study, the results obtained in this study show that the integrating of cerebellar training method with vibration have a significant effect on reading skills and auditory discrimination students with reading difficulties. Because of the effectivity of the present intervention in the treatment of auditory discrimination, the same method can be employed to treat or prevent other learning disorders. Although this intervention is not a perfect treatment for all types of learning disorders, it is a major component since hearing plays a prominent role in the learning process without its training and adjustment learning will be hard.”
Reference (Citation): Roya Kochak Entezar, Mahnaz Estaki, Zahra Torabi, The Effectiveness Cerebellar Training Method with Vibration (Forbrain) on Reading Skills and Auditory Discrimination for Students with Reading Difficulties, MEJDS. 2018, 8-41.
Neural mechanisms underlying Forbrain® effects: Scientific evaluation
Nature: Free Paper
Topic: Speech, Attention, Voice, Stuttering
University / Hospital: Spain, Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.
Journal of Publication, Date: Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, 2016
“It is proposed here that Forbrain® may indeed induce plastic changes in the central nervous system by at least two independent but related neural mechanisms: 1) by challenging the audio-vocal loop through the modified speech signal leading to an enriched acoustic environment yielding auditory plasticity, and 2) by forcing a series of executive mechanisms of attention control to cope with the involuntary attention signals triggered by the mismatching speech inputs. The final outcome of all these processes may be the reinforcement of the executive mechanisms of attentional control, resulting in better concentration, stronger resistance to distracters, improvements in working memory capacity and the feeling of being more focus.
Compared to many other training and rehabilitation methods for communicative skills, language improvement, and cognitive enhancement, Forbrain® has the advantage that although active –it requires to speak aloud and to follow a certain regime of exercises–, it imposes very little demands on the user. Indeed, whereas other methods require the attainment of certain level of performance on a range of exercises that are structured on a progressive manner of incremental difficulty along several weeks, Forbrain® exercises are tailored by the user’s motivation, commitment and willingness to follow with the training, with no further constrains. This is obviously a strong competitive asset.”
Reference (Citation): Carles Escera, Neural mechanisms underlying Forbrain® effects: Scientific evaluation, 2016, Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.
A scientific single case study on speech, auditory processing and attentional strengthening with Forbrain®
Nature: Free Paper
Topic: ADHD, Attention, Speech, Auditory processing
University / Hospital: Spain, Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.
Journal of Publication, Date: Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, 2015
“The results suggest that Forbrain® could be helpful in improving focus in those who have attention disorders such as ADHD and those who have difficulties with speech production and auditory processing. Moreover, any improvement in attention, such as was demonstrated in this study, could have benefits to everyone on memory, focus, and fluency.”
Reference (Citation): Carles Escera, A scientific single case study on speech, auditory processing and attentional strengthening with Forbrain® 2016, Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.
Our unique technology
High-sensitivity Microphone
Speak into the high-sensitivity microphone and it captures your voice’s sound waves, sending the information to the dynamic filter for processing.
Patented Dynamic Filter
To deliver your corrected voice, the patented filter continually amplifies high-frequency sounds and softens low frequencies while blocking environmental noise.
Bone Conduction Transducers
Sound is transmitted via the temporal bones. This bone conduction delivers auditory information to the brain 10x faster than air conduction (through the ear canals).
See Forbrain© up close

Patented Dynamic FilterProcesses and produces a corrected voice
Bone Conduction TransducersEnhances sound transmission via the temporal bones
User MicrophoneCapture the sound waves of your voice
Headphone JackUsed to listen to audio recordings of training or online classes
Additional MicrophoneFor training support by the parent, teacher, or therapist

Patented Dynamic FilterProcesses and produces a corrected voice
Bone Conduction TransducersEnhances sound transmission via the temporal bones
User MicrophoneCapture the sound waves of your voice

Headphone JackUsed to listen to audio recordings of training or online classes

Additional MicrophoneFor training support by the parent, teacher, or therapist
Scientific results on Forbrain
Research and scientific evaluation on Forbrain are the backbone of everything we do. Read the latest scientific literature here.
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